Composing Estimator DAGs

The following tutorial shows you how to write some simple directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) with skdag.

Creating your first DAG

The simplest DAGs are just a chain of singular dependencies, which is equivalent to a scikit-learn Pipeline. These DAGs may be created from the from_pipeline() method in the same way as a DAG:

>>> from skdag import DAGBuilder
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
>>> dag = DAGBuilder(infer_dataframe=True).from_pipeline(
...     steps=[
...         ("impute", SimpleImputer()),
...         ("pca", PCA()),
...         ("lr", LogisticRegression())
...     ]
... ).make_dag()

You may view a diagram of the DAG with the show() method. In a notbook environment this will display an image, whereas in a terminal it will generate ASCII text:

o    impute
o    pca
o    lr

Note that we also provided an extra option, infer_dataframe. This is entirely optional, but if set the DAG will ensure that dataframe inputs have column and index information preserved (or inferred), and the output of the pipeline will also be a dataframe. This is useful if you wish to filter down the inputs for one particular step to only include certain columns; something we shall see in action later.

For more complex DAGs, it is recommended to use a skdag.dag.DAGBuilder, which allows you to define the graph by specifying the dependencies of each new estimator:

>>> from skdag import DAGBuilder
>>> from sklearn.compose import make_column_selector
>>> dag = (
...     DAGBuilder(infer_dataframe=True)
...     .add_step("impute", SimpleImputer())
...     .add_step("vitals", "passthrough", deps={"impute": ["age", "sex", "bmi", "bp"]})
...     .add_step("blood", PCA(n_components=2, random_state=0), deps={"impute": make_column_selector("s[0-9]+")})
...     .add_step("lr", LogisticRegression(random_state=0), deps=["blood", "vitals"])
...     .make_dag()
... )
o    impute
o o    blood,vitals
o    lr

In the above examples we pass the first four columns directly to a regressor, but the remaining columns have dimensionality reduction applied first before being passed to the same regressor. Note that we can define our graph edges in two different ways: as a dict (if we need to select only certain columns from the source node) or as a simple list (if we want to simply grab all columns from all input nodes). Columns may be specified as any kind of iterable (list, slice etc.) or a column selector function that conforms to sklearn.compose.make_column_selector().

If you wish to specify string column names for dependencies, ensure you provide the infer_dataframe=True option when you create a dag. This will ensure that all estimator outputs are coerced into dataframes. Where possible column names will be inferred, otherwise the column names will just be the name of the estimator step with an appended index number. If you do not specify infer_dataframe=True, the dag will leave the outputs unmodified, which in most cases will mean numpy arrays that only support numeric column indices.

The DAG may now be used as an estimator in its own right:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> X, y = datasets.load_diabetes(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
>>> y_hat = dag.fit_predict(X, y)
>>> type(y_hat)
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

In an extension to the scikit-learn estimator interface, DAGs also support multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Let’s say we want to compare two different classifiers:

>>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
>>> rf = DAGBuilder().from_pipeline(
...     [("rf", RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0))]
... ).make_dag()
>>> dag2 = dag.join(rf, edges=[("blood", "rf"), ("vitals", "rf")])
o    impute
o o    blood,vitals
o o    lr,rf

Now our DAG will return two outputs: one from each classifier. Multiple outputs are returned as a sklearn.utils.Bunch:

>>> y_pred = dag2.fit_predict(X, y)
>>> type(
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
>>> type(y_pred.rf)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Note that we have different types of output here because LogisticRegression natively supports dataframe input whereas RandomForestClassifier does not. We could fix this by specifying infer_dataframe=True when we createed our rf DAG extension.

Similarly, multiple inputs are also acceptable and inputs can be provided by specifying X and y as dict-like objects.


Unlike Pipelines, DAGs do not require only the final step to be an estimator. This allows DAGs to be used for model stacking.

Stacking is an ensemble method, like bagging or boosting, that allows multiple models to be combined into a single, more robust estimator. In stacking, predictions from multiple models are passed to a final meta-estimator; a simple model that combines the previous predictions into a final output. Like other ensemble methods, stacking can help to improve the performance and robustness of individual models.

skdag implements stacking in a simple way. If an estimator without a transform() method is placed in a non-leaf step of the DAG, then the output of predict_proba(), decision_function() or predict() will be passed to the next step(s).

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVR
>>> X, y = datasets.load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
...     X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0
... )
>>> knn = KNeighborsRegressor(3)
>>> svr = SVR(C=1.0)
>>> stack = (
...     DAGBuilder()
...     .add_step("pass", "passthrough")
...     .add_step("knn", knn, deps=["pass"])
...     .add_step("svr", svr, deps=["pass"])
...     .add_step("meta", LinearRegression(), deps=["knn", "svr"])
...     .make_dag()
... )
>>>, y_train)

Note that the passthrough is not strictly necessary but it is convenient as it ensures the stack has a single entry point, which makes it simpler to use.

The DAG infers that predict() should be called for the two intermediate estimators. Our meta-estimator is then simply taking in prediction for each classifier as its input features.

As we can now see, the stacking ensemble method gives us a boost in performance:

>>> stack.score(X_test, y_test)
>>> knn.score(X_test, y_test)
>>> svr.score(X_test, y_test)

Note that for binary classifiers you probably need to specify that only the positive class probability is used as input by the meta-estimator. The DAG will automatically infer that predict_proba() should be called, but you will need to manually tell the DAG which column to take. To do this, you can simply specify your step dependencies as a dictionary of step name to column indices instead:

>>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
>>> clf_stack = (
...     DAGBuilder(infer_dataframe=True)
...     .add_step("pass", "passthrough")
...     .add_step("rf", RandomForestClassifier(), deps=["pass"])
...     .add_step("svr", SVC(), deps=["pass"])
...     .add_step("meta", LinearRegression(), deps={"rf": 1, "svr": 1})
...     .make_dag()
... )

Stacking works best when a diverse range of algorithms are used to provide predictions, which are then fed into a very simple meta-estimator. To minimize overfitting, cross-validation should be considered when using stacking.